With the Credit Card Wallet you have access to all your credit cards, wherever you are. You know that credit card cake you keep in your wallet? Keep them all in one place. On here!
• Safety
All data stored on your device and in the database is encrypted! You can also enable biometrics to authenticate entry to the application. That way, only you have access to the app!
• Personalized cards
Create the cards your way! You can choose the color, the flag and a name for the registered credit card. Didn't find your desired color or flag? Send an email to support and ask for your inclusion in the app!
• Theme
Do you prefer the light or dark theme? Use whichever you want! Both are available.
• Language
Your device is in English, but would you like to use the app in another language? Use another! Here we have 3 languages available: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Didn't find your language in the app? A translation can be entered using the good old Google Translator 🙂
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