Easy Loan Calculator is very easy to calculate your loan available on Google Play Store. Only enter your loan amount, loan term, and loan interest rate and the result could be shown clearly. The main feature of Easy Loan Calculator is shown as follows:
+ Support three loan type: Equal Payment, Equal Principal and Principal Repayment Maturity.
+ Loan chart is provided.
+ Support two displays: vertical and horizontal lists.
+ Support full screen: font is more larger and lists could be shown more.
+ All input information could be saved.
+ Easy to calculate the repayment.
+ Two floating point is support.
+ Loan amount can be supported up to trillion.
+ The unit of loan term is month.
+ The result of loan calculation is shown clearly.
+ UI design is clear and easy to be used.
Welcome to use Easy Loan Calculator and it is convenient for you to calculate your loan. If you have any questions about Easy Loan Calculator, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely thanks for your download and support.
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