A bilingual (Telugu and English) app for Employee and Journalist Health Schemes of Telangana State.
Users can :
1. Get nearby Empanelled hospitals and directions from current location on map.
2. Search hospitals based on Districts and get directions of the selected hospital on map.
3. Get Health Card Details.
4. Get Treatment Status.
5. Check Card Utilization.
6. Get scheme related FAQs and Procedures.
7. Report a Complaint.
8. Give feedback with ratings.
9. Check and get directions to Wellness Centres.
10. Get E-Prescription and E-Health Record.
11. Get contact details of EHS and JHS Schemes.
12. Book appointment with Wellness Centres.
13. Change language from Telugu to English or vice versa from any screen.
Apkjio.com developer simply want to remove ads or unlock premium features that would otherwise require a purchase. Also want to add new features or customization options to an app that the original developer did not include.safe verified