The strongest ending king of Suksu and nonsense quiz!
As long as I'm full, it is funny.
I'm going to the end ~~~~~~~~
Addictive best!
Best of fun!
The best question!
Best for killing time!
Let's escape the building!
Includes an ad banner and In-app Billing.
Call your Android Advertising ID to distinguish users.
We do not directly use Android ad ID, nor do we impose or store it. We change it to unique value through UUID and encrypt it.
UUID – Universally unique identifier: A universally unique identifier dеvеlopеr simply want to rеmovе ads or unlock prеmium fеaturеs that would othеrwisе rеquirе a purchasе. Also want to add nеw fеaturеs or customization options to an app that thе original dеvеlopеr did not includе.safe verified