Earn cash and rewards after you buy healthy and eco-friendly products, even online. Turn any grocery-related receipt into points, then cash, and get rewarded by simply sharing your favorite brands with your friends.
Makeena helps you discover better for you and the planet items — natural, organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, plant-based, keto, paleo, you name it — and saves you money after you buy those products anywhere you like to shop, even after buying online through Amazon or Thrive Market.
And, Makeena is super easy to use:
– Browse offers before shopping
– Save in your shopping list
– Scan barcodes of purchased products to redeem
– Snap your receipt
– Cash out through PayPal or Venmo after you accumulate $20 in your Account
Found your perfect granola? Every time you buy your favorite product, you can earn even more points for extra cash back, freebies, T-shirts, and fun surprises!
Didn't find anything you like yet? No worries – any grocery receipt turns into bonus points that converts to cash when you are ready.
Makeena works after buying at any store, even online. Join Makeena and start making better for you, better for your family, and better for the planet choices today!
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