Robot Tactics X is the brand new installment of the Robot Tactics franchise, the classic turn-based strategy mobile game featuring thrilling mecha battles and lots of Gacha heroes. The story of Robot Tactics X revolves around the conflicts between two continents, their secrets and conspiracies will be revealed by a group of outlaw heroes – the Squalorers. Robot Tactic X has inherited the highly customizable mecha system and the chessboard-style gameplay from the original game, players will be able to strategize their way to victory. Moreover, experience the brand new features like the effect the terrain has on the battle and the countering between races, making the game more dynamic and diverse.
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√ Mecha Soul Awaken
100+ Mecha parts are available in the highly customizable mecha assemble system. Each robot can be fitted with armors, cores, weapons, and parts of your choice. Paint your robots to match your style in the hanger. Find your favorite build and show everyone what you’ve got!
√ Incredible Tactics and Endless Strategies
Be tactical in the classic turn-based strategy battles! Introducing the new gameplay based on countering Race’s effects and different Terrains. Think before you make your move!
√ Gotta Gacha’em All!
Exquisite original characters from 6 different factions available, each meticulously designed by famous illustrators from all around the world. Collect them all in the gacha system!
√ Epic Battles in Story-Driven Levels
An intricate storyline mixed with strategic battles will present you with an exclusive gaming experience. Explore a massive interstellar world and immerse yourself in the heart-pounding stories.
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