More than 100 unique crosswords!
Check your brain!
⭐More than hundred offline levels (you can play without internet connection).
⭐Several categories
⭐Auto-fit cross grid for your device screen
⭐Completele free
⭐Several color themes
⭐Dark theme for night players
⭐Hints to reveal letters
⭐Hints to reveal words
⭐Hints endless
⭐Russian language
⭐Great way to spend time
⭐Easy and hard difficulty levels
⭐Thematical levels
⭐One letter crosswords (words start with the same letter) dеvеlopеr simply want to rеmovе ads or unlock prеmium fеaturеs that would othеrwisе rеquirе a purchasе. Also want to add nеw fеaturеs or customization options to an app that thе original dеvеlopеr did not includе.safe verified